Assessment Services

Browse our assessment services and contact us to setup your appointment

Life is a journey.

  • AD/HD Testing

    This includes AD/HD testing combined with full IQ test, clinical interviewing, play based observation, and rating scales. The cost is $2,000.00, with the full amount due at feedback session (most pay half at the first session and half when feedback…

  • IQ Testing Only

    This includes the Wechsler Intelligence Test IV (WISC-IV or WAIS-IV), which is the standard in assessing IQ, which will provide comprehensive information on several areas of intelligence as well as academic strengths and areas for improvement.  Results can also identify…

  • Achievement Testing

    This includes the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III), which is the standard in assessing academic achievement, which will provide comprehensive information on a child’s mastery of specific subjects and on academic strengths and areas for improvement. The cost is $500.00, with…
